City News

Woodward Moves Community Safety Session

We've heard your concerns about the bike lanes, and we're happy to announce that we are hosting a resident-led Woodward Safety Meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, in City Council Chambers at 6 PM. We're very excited to welcome Jeffrey Carek, a fellow Ferndale resident and Education Director for the League of Michigan Bicyclists. If you can't attend, the event will be live-streamed on YouTube and can be viewed and shared accordingly.

City Council Unanimously Approves Critical Millage Proposals for Nov. Ballot

City Council unanimously approved two important proposals to address vital funding issues for the City's General Fund services as well as critical public safety and recreation facilities needs

Safe Streets Community Workshop

Join us for a community workshop on safe streets on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Pleasant Ridge Community Center, located at 4 Ridge Road, Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069. Ferndale and several other local communities are working together to develop a Safety Action Plan, and your feedback is encouraged to help make this happen!

Public Facility Tours

Have you ever wondered what a Fire or Police Station is like? 🚓🚒 Check out a guided tour! Our Fire and Police Departments will be hosting facility tours this summer and fall. There are several dates available, but please keep in mind there are some space constraints within the facilities. Dates are reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis with a maximum of ten residents per tour.

April 17, 2024, Storm Coverage

Wow! This storm was quick but unbelievably wild. We're receiving reports of downed power lines, trees, and even housing materials. Our emergency Police, Fire, and Public Works Crews are actively out and assisting the scenes. In an emergency, always call 911. To report downed trees or water and flooding issues, please call the Public Works Department at 248-546-2519 or report them to SeeClickFix at ferndalemi.gov/contact/report. For all other concerns, call the Police Department's Non-Emergency line at 248-541-3650. Stay safe, Ferndale!

No Mow May 2024

Drum roll please…Now Mow May is back! 🐝 Let’s recap: No Mow May is a voluntary, pollinator-friendly, environmental initiative that allows you to skip mowing your lawn for the entire month of May. Grass and weeds code enforcement will be suspended for the entire month, so there will be no ticketing whatsoever. Just keep in mind that enforcement will resume in June, so please schedule your lawn care accordingly. You can participate however much or little you want, whether that be Low Mow May, or sticking to your normal schedule. Regardless, please bee a good neighbor and refrain from making reports to code enforcement.

Recycling Station Drop-Off Day

The wait is over—the next City recycling station drop off event is here! 🚗♻️ Clean out that clutter and bring your recycled items to Ferndale City Hall. located at 300 E. Nine Mile Road in Ferndale, MI 48220. (Please note: The entrance of the event is off of E. Nine Mile Road, while the exit of the event is off of Troy Street.) The event is on Saturday, May 11, 2024, and will run from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training

The Ferndale Fire Department is hosting an awesome opportunity to provide valuable training and hands-on applications to the community! 🚒 Receive instructor-led training in areas of fire safety, electrical safety, triage, CPR and first aid, disaster response, and emergency preparedness.

Yard Waste Season Begins

Yard waste season begins on Monday, April 1, 2024. Yard waste must be placed in reusable, labeled containers (labels available at City Hall or the Public Works yard), or brown kraft bags. Yard waste is collected on your regular trash day. Generally speaking, yard waste items are not forms of trash or recycling. Permitted items include things like grass and sticks, wood shavings, brush, and more, while non-permitted items include most food, plastic, charcoal, etc. (Did we also mention our compost program?) Contact DPW at 248-546-2519 for more information.

Match on Main Grant

Calling all small business owners 📣 The City of Ferndale is partnering with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation to offer a Ferndale business up to $25,000 in grant funding for a new project! ✅ The Match on Main program recognizes new and upcoming projects that contribute to Ferndale's thriving business community.

2024 Eggstravaganza

Celebrate the season with free goodie-egg hunts at three Ferndale parks! Find the right age group for your littles, then let them loose to gather as many eggs as they can grab. Find the special golden egg to win a prize-filled basket. Don’t miss the Easter Bunny—hopping in for an appearance at Martin Road Park!

Finance Committee Delivers Final Report to Council

Following five months of study, the resident-led Finance Review Committee presents their final report to City Council

Celebrate Black History Month!

The City of Ferndale is proud to recognize and celebrate Black History Month. This month recognizes the historic triumphs and achievements of the Black community. We encourage you to recognize some of our black leaders in Ferndale—community members, business owners, and City staff. We're also extra thrilled, proud, and moved to honor Ferndale's first black Mayor, Raylon Leaks-May. ❤️💛💚

2023 Property Tax Reminders

2023 property tax deadline, notice of assessment, and other important information from the Finance Department.

Everything You Need to Know About the Presidential Primary Election

The Presidential Primary Election is on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. For individuals on the absentee application list or the absentee ballot list who have received the ballot request forms, please return them with your selected political party as soon as possible. It's also not too late to request an absentee ballot.

Little Princess Dance

Join us for a night of music, dancing, and fun at our Little Princess Dance! This year’s ball will take place on Saturday, February 17th at 6pm.

Reflections and Resolutions: 2023-2024

We'd like to recognize our incredible City departments and community members and highlight major accomplishments of 2023, along with resolutions for 2024—and how the public can help achieve these goals!

Fern & Learn Returns!

Want to get to know your local government? It's time for season two of Fern & Learn—your Ferndale government 101 community course. Get an up close and personal look into the behind-the-scenes workings of the City with this 8-week class.

Police Department Reflections and Resolutions: 2023-2024

We'd like to recognize our amazing Police Department and highlight major accomplishments of 2023, along with resolutions for 2024—and how the public can help achieve these goals!

ZoneFerndale Survey Participation

Help shape the future of Ferndale by making zoning laws more accessible, inclusive, equitable, and sustainable through ZoneFerndale. Your voice matters and your participation is crucial. Please take a few minutes to complete the four surveys on design, housing, equity, and sustainability at zoneferndale.com/participate. The surveys close on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

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