June 05 2024

2024 Budget Resources

We know you may have questions about the City's finances, and we're here to give you answers! It's important to stay in the know about the City's current expenses and budgeting, the Headlee Override Millage, and what the future of Ferndale is as we move into the millage expiration. There are many resources we encourage you to review. 


Budget Scenario Planning: Impacts of Losing the Headlee Override Millage Revenue

City Manager Joseph Gacioch delivered a presentation to City Council and provided a look into the scenario planning process should the Headlee override millage expire in 2025. The full presentation is available for viewing on Youtube.


Finance Committee

The 2023-24 resident-led Finance Review Committee studied the impacts of the City’s Headlee override millage and how its 2025 expiration would impact general operations and a proposed long-term facilities prioritization plan. The full report is available to view and download.


Facilities Task Force

The Resident-led Facilities Task Force was appointed by Mayor Melanie Piana in February 2022. The group of nine citizens was tasked with studying and making recommendations for prioritizing investments in government facilities. They met between March and July of 2022, delivering a final report with their findings to City Council in October. The final report is also available to view and download.


Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. We're here to help guide you through this process! Call the City at 248-546-2525 or email information@ferndalemi.gov.