Summer Heat: Care & Resources

Summer heat can be no joke. The Ferndale Fire Department has a number of safety tips for you and your loved ones to stay safe and hydrated during periods of extreme or extensive heat. For questions, concerns, or additional information or safety tips, reach out to the Fire Department.  

Stay Hydrated

Don’t forget to hydrate! Hydration is one of the most important ways to avoid overheating. Avoid caffeine if possible during periods of extreme heat exposure, as it can worsen the dehydrating process. Water is the best method to avoid dehydration, but electrolytes are also a great way to replenish any lost nutrients or minerals. 

Stay Cool

  • If your home does not have air conditioning, visit a cool place, such as a library, place of worship, or local business. To find a no-cost location to beat the heat, visit Oakland County's list of current cooling centers.  

  • Young children and elderly community members have a greater health risk and less resiliency during times of intense heat. Be sure to prioritize hydration and access to cool, shaded locations if you or a loved one falls into either of these age groups.  

  • Don’t forget to stay tuned to the health of your pets and animals. Keep them cool and hydrated. Do NOT leave animals unattended in vehicles. Additionally, be careful walking dogs or letting them play on hot pavement.  

Stay Alert

  • Stay connected on City social media, the City website, and cable for emergency updates.  

  • Sign up for Oakland County’s emergency alert system, OakAlert